Why Choose Wealthy Affiliate as the platform for your online business?
Why choose Wealthy Affiliate? people may ask this question when you tell them about your online business.
Instead, I will just write a short note on why choose Wealthy Affiliate, as the platform for me to embark on my journey in online business.
I have been looking for one platform where I can learn, and at the same time, generate some passive income from online business, I have searched online about a lot of (internet) business platforms.
A lot claimed they help people to earn so much per day, some even conduct some training physically however need to pay a hefty sum in order to learn the basic.
What are the usual methods used by other GURUs?
The usual trick by all those who organized seminars before the COVID-19 pandemic are as follows:
- Charged a few thousands bucks,
- If you wanted to learn more advance skills, you needed to join a so called inner circle,
- Inner circle members need to pay a certain fee per month to maintain the membership
- These members can access to more advance internet marketing skills and find out the GURU's successful formulae.
Most people will agree, merely attending the seminar is not effective.
Usually a physical seminar organized over two or three days
However It only showed you, the very basic methods or introductory lessons on internet business.
Then what make Wealthy Affiliate different from the rest out there in the market, be it online or physical persons?
Well, I am looking at one platform which can provide continuous learning, also provide support whenever I have some questions or some issues which I am not able to comprehend, and which is not that expensive and affordable.
What Attracts Me To Wealthy Affiliate and Why Choose Wealthy Affiliate?
That is where I came across Wealthy Affiliate, and after going through the website, and studied what it had to offer, I decide to give it a try by signing up as an ordinary member, and going through the limited access of the training and so on.
After a few weeks of using the website as ordinary member, I decided to sign up as a premium member, now that I can access to more in depth topics and learn more, this is quite similar to attending an internet GURU seminar and you need to sign up as inner circle members to gain more.
However, the main different is Wealthy Affiliate is affordable, and before the recent upgrade of the platform, it was quite cheap.
As a Premium Member, one can have access to more topics and support from Wealthy Affiliate team,, especially the technical support team, even from the members who are ever helpful.
Since the fees per year is inclusive of the hosting and access to educational learning, so it is good that once one signs up, really focus on what are offered and learn as much as possible, go through the various training materials, and complete the assignments,
by completing the assignment, one would understand more about internet marketing, and how to make a living using this platform.
The ultimate aim is to achieve your goal of financial freedom and quality family life
What does the Wealthy Affiliate platform offer?
You can find the followings in the platform, I am only listing some key tools available :
- Support (Live Chat, Site Support, Q & A)
- Community
- Training Courses, Step by Step
- Weekly Live Classes (and 100's of hours of replays)
- Online Entrepreneur Certification
- Affiliate Bootcamp
- The Affiliate Program
- Networking
- Building Websites
- Website Performance Tools (SiteRubix)
- Website Engagement Platform (Site Comments)
- The Hosting Platform
- Site Content Writing Platform
- Keyword Research Tool
- and others
To find out more, you can click HERE to explore more
In Summary, Is Wealthy Affiliate The Right Platform?
For me, this platform will be my focus for the next few months and use this to achieve my goal of financial freedom.
You may want to try out this WA to find out how easy it is to create a website and so on. some example is as follows:
IF you have any comments and feedback, please do give your view in the comments section below.