What is Goal Achievement?
With goal achievement, it certainly creates satisfaction.
Our wonderful life usually happens in the journey towards attaining ours goal.
To attain our goals, we take action based on inspiration, hope and motivation.
However living a wonderful life can happen, regardless of achieving a goal or not.
So if you embark on some fitness program to keep yourself fit, and achieve the goal of reducing your weight, say from 80 kg to 67kg, then go for it.
Assuming 67 kg is your ideal weight, and if you can achieve the goal, it will be a huge satisfaction, and you accomplish your mission.
I have seen my friend trying her best to do some flat belly exercise, and does not seem to get anywhere .
One day, she tried out something, which I have been telling her to do, and it seemed it worked!!
This is just one of the examples of achieving goal set.
Goal Settings and Goal Achievement
In our life, we set a few goals since birth, since the day we started to know our surrounding.
As we enter school age, we set goal to have better grade.
Then we set goal to finish our education at tertiary level.
After that, we start our working life, we set another goal, to reach certain level in corporate world, if you are in the corporate world.
For those who are self-employed, earning passive income in online world, or self-made entrepreneur, and making money online, we will set our goal of so much per night.
So is goal setting that important?
Goal setting is just one tool we use to achieve our target.
We use goal setting as a barometer to focus on the task we have in hand.
Just like in Wealthy Affiliate journey, some set the goals as follows:
- how much money to make per day.
- The amount of money to make per week.
- What will be the amount we are aiming for per month.
- The goal of money made in a year.
We have a sense of satisfaction, the feeling of mission accomplished, when we achieved our goals.
However, the start up may not be smooth sailing, as people thought it was.
Without hard work and hours spent, focusing on setting goals, trial and errors, we say we have achieved our goal, once we see the light at the end of the tunnel.