Exercise is supposed to help a person to keep fit and healthy, with this in mind, we train hard and eat well.
But then we still face some issues with our health, and doctors do not seem to be able to find out how to resolve the problem.
Yes, I am talking about hip flexors, You see, our hip flexors are the engine through which our body moves. They control balance, our ability to sit, stand, twist, reach, bend, walk and step.
If our hip flexors tighten, surely it will cause a lot of problems and as a result, it will also affect our health.
How do we get tightened hip flexors?
1. The most common cause of tightening hip flexors is sitting too long in a chair, especially for those who have to sit in front of the computer for hours nowadays.
Hence, most of the time, we notice people who have been sitting too long, they stand up and move their hip here and there, however, does this help?
As you can see, weakness, shortening and tightness develops in the muscle through sitting for extended hours, furthermore poor sleep posture and even work tension and stress could be the results too.

What are the effects of tighten hip flexors?
If you have the following signs, generally speaking, chances are you have the tightened hip flexors:
- Nagging joint pains in your legs, lower back or hips
- Walking with discomfort
- Hips locking up
- Bad posture
- Trouble sleeping
- Sluggishness in day to day life
- High Anxiety
- Digestive problems
- Compromised Immune System
- Circulatory issues
- Loss of sexual performance
- Lack of Explosiveness in the gym or sports
Does Static Stretching help in curing tightened hip flexors?
Studies showed by doing static stretching will not completely cure tightened hip flexors.
Even though it may just provide a temporary relief of the tightness of the hip, therefore to learn more about, you may want to click HERE
If you want to learn more and resolve your hip flexors tightness problem, do click on the above.
By doing stretching exercise, even though it may help for those who has been sitting too long.
However, in the long run, you want to try some exercise, to loosen your muscle, how about try YOGA?