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With the recent rampant scam in the banking industries, especially towards the end of last year 2021, more people are alert to the scamming going on.

However, despite all this news about the scams in the banking industries, there are still a lot of bank customers fell into the trap of the scammers.

News report stated among those who fell victims to the scammers are professional and females.

One would have thought only elderly who are less savvy with information technology will fall prey to the scams.

the number showed otherwise, even as reported, IT engineer also one of the many victims.

The other group is the females, be it the professional, housewife or some who are emotionally disturbed. Scammers will look for those vulnerable.

What can we do to safeguard ourselves ?

to safeguard ourselves from falling victims to the scammers, and lose our lifelong savings, it is about time more people are to aware of this and take necessary steps to keep ourselves happy.

the age-old saying - do not talk to strangers, still hold true in this virtual world of advance technology.

most people seem to have forgotten this adage when come to online world, especially the young ones who like to communicate through virtual world.

We can at least do the following to safeguard ourselves.

1. Carry out due diligence on the other parties.

how many people online check on the background of the other parties they are dealing with?

when a person comes across some offers online, tendency is for the person to click on it and see the offer and like it, will purchase, without checking whether it is real or not.

Before you come to conclusion whether to deal with the person, do the following:

a. we should at least check the legitimacy of the website.

b. Read comments and review about the company,

c. Search online to see whether there is any about the person or company.

d. check whether the person whom you are supposed to deal with have any other social media accounts.

e. If the does, what did the posts and share in his account,

f. Carry out a check on anti scam website and see whether the name is listed in it or not.

2. Insist on a physical meeting.

One of the best way is to have a physical meeting, if the person on the other side refused to do so, then we can more or less about dealing with him.

well, the may say under the current circumstance, it is quite difficult to travel and meet up, then we can suggest a video call since the technology enable this virtual meeting a possibility.

3. Do not commit any decision instantly.

people tend to make instant decision nowadays, and scammers are taking full advantage of this.

nowadays people are impatient, especially when dealing with transactions online, they want it fast, so fast that until they do not bother to check clearly and carefully what they are clicking on.

4. Check for telltale sign that it is a fake website.

a lot of people when they receive a message, email or notices, they do not bother to check carefully to look for telltale sign of fake messages.

most people will just look at the headline and the sender name, and believe it is from the legitimate sender.

In Singapore, there are a lot of senders who like to use the following corporation or website names to send malware and phishing link.

1. DBS.

2. DHL.

3. LinkedIn.


6. MOH


these are just some example, if you check the domain names of the websites, it is not the original organization domain name, the email domain also look very different.

Are the measures announced by Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) effective?

MAS has since the phishing SMSes scam in December 2021, announced a few measures to further improve and strengthen the internet banking industry security.

1. Removing of clickable links in SMSes sent to customers.

last time banks used to send SMSes to customers with clickable links, this as explained by banks, it is to enable the customers to click on the link and get access to the website faster.

Scammers took advantage of this, especially when the banks used the shorten form of domain link, so it is quite difficult to check on the real domain name of the banks.

2. Delay the changes and updating of information of customers.

to make life easy for customers, banks used to say customers could now update their information online without making a trip to the branch.

with this scammer, after phishing the login particulars of the customers, happily do the changes and take control of the operation of the accounts of the customers.

now MAS want any changes and updating of personal particular such as phone number, login password and so on, be processed and be effective only after 12 hours.

you can read more about that in the following two links:

a. Singapore Government Media Statement.

b. Monetary Authority of Singapore announcement


Banks are pushing their customers to use online banking.

They claimed to encourage the customers to use online banking as much as possible.

Why do banks insist on customers using online internet banking?

Banks claimed with the advancement of technology, and more and more people are internet savvy, it is about time online internet banking be the focus and future of banking.

Even government is encouraging all business entities to go online and do things online, so the banks are taking the cue to do so.

The banks claim by doing business online, they can reap the following benefits:

1. Cost savings.

The banks claim it is the most cost savings invention for the banking industry.

With online banking, the banks require less physical branches, which mean hiring less bank staffs to man the branches.

So there will be huge saving on staffs cost, rental of branches, utility, and other cost incidental to operating a branch

2. More efficient

With internet banking, the operation of the bank is more efficient, as more transactions can be done at anyone time, no like physical banking, a teller can only serve a customer at one time and it may take longer to complete the transactions,

3. Saving the hazard of long queue in the branches of the banks.

With physical branches, sometimes there are long queue as people wait to be served by the counters, especially when one customer has a lot of transactions, or need to seek more clarification, it will take up longer time.

Also, queue theory applies and management has to decide whether single line or lining up at each counter.

With the pandemic ravaging, physical present may not be a good idea.

4. Paperless, save the environment.

Online banking tend to use fewer papers, as customers do their banking requirement online and documents are saved in soft copy file and file away in their respective devices.

Less paper work supposedly will use fewer papers and to certain extent, less cutting of trees. And no need to send out monthly paper statements.

5. Easier for the customers to check their bank balances and banking need.

Customers can check their bank status any time with internet online banking, they are not able to do so if it is a physical banks, as there will be subject to banking hours.

If the customers want to do any banking transactions, they can do so even at mid night if the needs arise.

However, this is something which he can not do with physical banking system, and he has to wait for the next day.

6. no need for the customer to make a trip to the bank as it can be done online.

Making a trip to the bank is a headache, when you consider the traffic and the need to look for parking space.

Somehow, where there is a bank branch, the parking slots are not readily available.

Making trip to bank is always a hazard, and inconvenient for some people, especially when you think of the need to queue up for your turn to see the teller.

7. More convenient for the customers!!

Frankly speaking, online banking is quite convenient if you are tech savvy and can not live without accessing to internet.

You can do it at home in your cosy home environment, it looks very good and efficient.

8. Banking transactions can be done anytime, even at night, no need to rush to bank in day time.

With internet banking, if you need to do an urgent banking transaction at night, you can do so easily, no need to wait until the next day for the bank to open.

Likewise, you can do it globally wherever you are, even you are not in the home country, you can still carry out the necessary transactions.

Despite all these so called benefits and advantages of having online internet banking, what are the cons of it?

1. Lack of human approach.

This is the main complaint about online banking, no more human touch.

Lacking of human interaction, mean you do not have a banking relationship manager to deal with, and you can not build up a good rapport with the bank officers at all.

2. Can not do cash deposit of money.

If you have hard cash to be deposited, you can not do so with internet banking, still you need to go to the nearest ATM or the bank branch to do so.

3. Safety of the internet.

Is it safe to use online banking? safety and security of it is questionable, as it involved two parts.

One is whether your device, be it your mobile phone, is safe, the other issue is whether the bank online system is safe and secure.

Nowadays no one dares to say their computer systems are safe and 100% secured.

The moment one company claims its computer system and network is safe, the hackers will treat it as a challenge to hack the system.

Some hackers like to do it just to satisfy their urge to hack and prove how good they are in breaking into a system.

Of course there are some who hack in order to scam other people's money.

4. Not every one is tech savvy especially the elderly.

Older generations are having problem to understand how to use the mobile phone for its simple function like sending messages and making phone calls.

with the smart phones nowadays, majority of the phone are touch screen based, not like last time button, more difficult for senior citizens to use.

And you expect the older generations to know how to do banking transaction online?

They do not even know how to surf the net for information.

Some may be able to learn, but do they know what they can click and what they can not click?

Do they know whether the site they enter is genuine or fictitious site?

After listing the pros and cons of internet banking above

Let's discuss the topic - Are the banks doing the right things to push for digital banking?

With the recent cases of scams involving one of the banks in Singapore.

In which about 470 customers lost more than SGD $ 9 million in the month of December alone.

Now people have second thought whether the banks are doing the right things to push for digital banking,  and totally discard physical banking transactions.

It was reported that the scams happened when the customers of the bank received SMSes.

Purportedly from the bank informing customers of illegal transactions, customers need to verify by clicking the links provided in the same SMSes.

Once the customer clicked on the link, that is the end of their money in the bank.

Without knowing the links which are fraudulent and linked to a fake banking website, the unsuspecting customers click on the link.

The scammers easily secure the requirement login particulars of the customers, and they will then go to the real bank website to carry out the necessary transactions such as:

  • changing the login password.
  • amend the withdrawing limit per transaction.
  • change the requirement of one time password via SMS,
  • direct the notification to their own phones or devices.

So is it the right move?

What have the banks done in order to make internet banking a smooth and trouble free procedure and system?

1. Hot line number

Has anyone tried to call the bank on its hot line and get to speak with a human straight away?

One bank in Singapore use some so called latest technology, the same as the one used in APPLE phone on the siri robots.

And it was so frustrating especially when you can not even get pass this stage,  as the machine does not seem to understand what you said.

I encountered another occasion when you call the bank, it starts with - for English, please press 1, so you do.

Then it starts giving you all the options but not in numerical orders.

So after you press the number, before it gives you more option, it starts selling you and encouraging you to use their app and telling you how efficient is their app.

After listening to the advantages of using the app, then it tells you the option.

You then press the option, once again, you have to listen to how great is their app and so on.

After that it says all our operators are engaged at the moment, you can call back some other time or go to our website and perform the transaction you want to do!!!!.

So when you feel that you have been scammed and you want to contact the bank immediately, facing with the machine talking all the times and not able to speak with a human, how to contact the bank?

as reported in the news, in the recent cases, the bank advised its customers to contact the bank immediately.

I wonder they know how hard it is to talk to the human in the bank by calling the hot line they have.

2. Token

At one time, Banks wanted to do away with the physical tokens and pushing customers to use the app.

With the recent cases in December 2021, banks have decided to allow the customers to continue using the token.

3. OTP or One Time Password.

The bank at one time wanted to do away with this One Time Password, and pushing bank customers to use the app for the access to the banking requirement. However, with the recent frequent cases of scams, they have decided to stick to this OTP for the time being.

However, does this solve the scam problem?

Customers now are not that confident to receive any SMSes from the banks, as they are not sure the messages they received are genuine or not.

What have the banks advised the customers?

1. Do not click on any links in the short messages .

Banks claimed the short messages they sent do not have any links attached at all.

So in other words, if you receive any short messages from the banks with link attached, it is a fake message, though it may look like the messages are from the banks.

2. Do not give any information about your details on banking to anyone.

This instruction is rather difficult to comprehend, when you login to the bank website, do you provide the information? as you are being prompted to do so.

Are you sure the website you access is the real website of the bank?

how do you differentiate the real and the fake website?

Perhaps you may want to use the tools available to check on any fake website or do some checks in the internet.

The best way to do so is to key in the URL of the bank directly, instead of just click on the link provided.

3. Call the bank hot lines to verify.

As I mentioned earlier, some hot lines provided by the banks are not that easily accessible.

Unless you have the patient and in good mood to listen to all the sales pitches or talking to robot, it is better you just make a trip to the bank and talk to the human directly.

Even that again may not be possible as the staff may direct you to go online, it seems that is about the job function of the staffs of the banks nowadays, to tell customers to go online to do banking transactions.

Now what can the banks and authority do? or should do?

1. Bank domain.

It is about time all the governments in the world work together to regulate the registration of domain names in world of internet.

Currently, you can register a domain quite similar to the one you want to scam.

For example, ABC once you register as the bank domain, another person can register one almost similar to it such as ABC.

for those who are not cautious and alert, they will think it is the same.

The relevant parties may have to agree in order to stop this type of scam.

Those people who are trying to do some fraudulent thing with ill intention, will definitely make use of this.

Therefore, it is important that certain domain can not have similar name at all, regardless of you put in a coma, a hyphen, or whatever.

2. Tracing of the transactions.

There should be electronic trails of the transactions, the money trails from the bank where the victim's money was transferred from, to the bank where the money was transferred.

If the money was then further moved to another bank account, and so on, sometimes, it could be moving to multiples destinations so as to avoid detection.

Or making it difficult for authorities to trace the eventual destination of the fund, especially when the scammers move the funds all over the world.

And unless the investigators are very patient to follow the money trails, the recovery of the fund is almost equal to zero.

The recovery of the fund is more difficult when it is going through some offshore heaven, or countries which have very lax monitoring and anti money laundering enforcement.

3. Real Hotline

it is about time the government through its central bank ensure all the banks really have some human manning the hot line instead of trying to automate the phone answering system and saving cost.

The response time of answering the phone and the frustration of the customers calling the banks at time of emergency, will determine whether the scammed money can be recovered or not.

4. Timing of transfer

Anyone noticed whenever your transfer money to your account, the bank will tell you it will take a day or two to clear?

Meaning, you can not use the money immediately.

However, when you transfer the money out of your account, it seems to deduct from your account immediately!!.

Therefore, actually the recent cases of the phishing scams can be easily thwarted if the bank has the system in place.

Such as when money is transferred out of the bank, it will take one day or two or wait for the account owner to confirm whether he did the transfer.

The bank can ask the customer to go down to the bank to verify since nowadays, we can not trust the phone on the other end of the line is really from the bank or not.

In Summary

In the meantime, those who want to learn more how to know more about phishing SMS, you may want to go HERE to learn more about it.

You may also want to do more research on this.

Monetary Authority of Singapore and the Association of Banks have just announced some measures to curb the SMS phishing scams.

You can read more about that HERE



Online shopping

This is the in thing in town nowadays to do shopping online.

Online shopping is actually a good thing to have, especially in this COVID-19 pandemic time.

In a way, this helps to keep the cases of infection down and to certain extent, keep the human traffic in the shopping malls and reduced congestion on the road too.

As usual, any good invention or things will always have the bad influence or effect too.

Scammers have been using the online shopping platform to scam on unsuspecting people.

They will make use of the human mind of tenancy to assume the link is alright.

By the time the unsuspecting victim realized they have been scammed, it may be too late as there is monetary loss .

The common online shopping platform mushroom practically overnight.

Over here in Singapore, we have things like Lazada, Shoppe, Amazon Prime, NTUC Fairprice, RedMart, just to name a few more famous and popular one, .

How do the scammers use the shopping platform to scam unsuspecting victims?

1. SMS messages asking you to pay more.

Normally a legit shopping platform will not ask you to pay more after you have made payment on the item you have selected.

According to reported news recently, scammers had used a tactic to message shoppers and telling them that they needed to pay more for the items they have purchased.

a lot of shoppers especially those who frequently use online shopping, once received the message, will not bother to check the authenticity of the message.

They just click on the link provided in the message and make the additional payment as required.

scammers fully make use of the human tendency not to check in details to implant a phishing malware into the device of the victims the moment the victims click on the link provided.

Human being tends to assume the message is genuine and the link is the real website link.

However if they just pay more attention and be more alert, they will notice the link provide is not the official website of the shopping platform.

2. Sending emails to the victims and asking them to make any additional payment.

this type of scam is quite common, the reason being recipient of email do not bother to check the email domain of the sender at all.

they always assume the email is from the real shopping platform they often use without knowing the email domain is different,  even though the title of the sender is the same name as the shopping platform.

If they really care to be more alert and check the email domain, they will find out it is not the official email domain at all, and if they have clicked on the link provided in the email, the phishing malware will be activated.


What can a person do to avoid this type of scam?

1. Check the link provided before you click on the link.

Check whether the link is the real link, then compare it with the platform domain.

2. Call the platform

if in doubt, call the platform and verify whether they have sent you any message.

3. Check whether you have made any purchase recently using that shopping platform.

a lot of people tend not do the check as they have bought online too often and they fail to keep track of their purchases, and it does not cross their mind that they do not make any purchase recently.

4. Just delete the messages you received without opening.

people may worry what if the message is true, well, if the message is true, the platform will get in touch with you again, or call you to inform you to top up the shortfall when the goods is delivered.

if there is no reminder sent, then you can be sure it is a hoax and a scam.


Do You Think You Have Been Scammed?

if you think you have been scammed, you can do the following:

1. Check whether you have made any purchase recently, if it is negative, then you do not have to worry.

2. Try to make payment using credit card instead of using your debit card or online banking.

It is important to set your credit card charge alert to one cent, meaning even there is a charge for one cent, there will be a message alert to inform you that your card is being charged.

if you have not made any payment, call the credit card issuing bank to stop the payment.

Normally, the bank which charge your credit card will not remit the money to the merchant immediately, so the moment you receive the message of the charges, call them immediately.

3. Report the scam immediately to the relevant authority, this can help the relevant authority to gather more information and take necessary action.

4. Spread the words among your friends about the scam.

5. Share it in your social media so that more people will know about the scam.

6. You can share your experience with

7. Internationally you may want to report to HERE


just be more alert and check any link sent to you, especially the domain of the link.

Whatever you do, do not click on the link at all.

If you have any feedback and comments, do drop a few lines in the comments section below.

Share your experience and let's make online shopping a better place.



What are the things in common in Binary Option Trading and Cryptocurrency ?

For those who used to invest in Binary Option in the last few years, and badly burnt or cheated by the various Binary Option Platforms, they would know lately, a lot of people having calling them and claiming that they money lost had been recovered.

The callers would claim they managed to recover their money and the money is now sitting pretty in one Cryptocurrency platform.

And to get access to the money, one needs to have a cryptocurrency account or wallet in order to execute the refund.

Binary Option

Few years ago, there were a lot of binary option trading platforms online.

There were quite a lot of people got themselves in this online Binary Option platform.

One of the common reason was they were not able to withdraw their money from the platform.

I believe a lot of people had lost money in Binary Option, either being cheated, or the trading platform just no longer there.

Scammers who operate the platform happily took the money and enjoy themselves.

Recovery Step

After the Binary Option scam, then came the recovery scam.

Someone claimed they were working for some expert companies specializing in debt recovery.

The callers who said they could help to recover the money as they had the means and resources.

What are the tricks of these debts' recovery companies?

The caller claimed they could help to recover the money lost in Binary Option trading,

However they listed out the following steps:

1. Furnish the proof of money transfer for Binary Option.

2. Provide evidence of identity of the investors.

3. They asked you to pay USD $1,000 being the fees for them to do the recovery.

4. Time frame would be within one month they could fully recover the amounts.

5. The fees charged would be 5% of the amount recovered minus the $1,000 upfront whichever is higher.

There are some doubt of what they were trying to tell you.

They claimed it was the company policy that they needed to collect some fees for doing the recovery.

I told them for normal recovery, the debt collector would do it base on success rate, and deduct the cost from the amount recovered, so there was no reason why an upfront payment need to be made.
After another year, now the new scamming plan surfaced.

What are the new methods scammers have?

lately I came across the newest method of the scammers who supposedly made their money already in Binary Option scam

1. Someone would call you over the phone.

2. The phone number seemed to be the local number even with the prefix of +65 assuming you are in Singapore.

3. Caller would tell you they had managed to recovery the money you lost in the Binary Option.

4. He would then inform you that he would be sending one email to you.

5. Ask you to read the email and click on the link in the email.

6. Then he said he would guide you over the phone on how to recover the money

7. So you click on the link and you notice a platform from one called

8. In that website, you could see the amount equivalent in USD for EURO and some in Crypto currency

9. Caller then tried to explain that the money they recovered were in crypto currency

10. He further explained that the scammer after taking your money in the Binary Option, went to invest in cryptocurrency, that is the reason why the statement showed majority of the money was in cryptocurrency

11. After the explanation, then he said need to convert the cryptocurrency to the USD so that you would be able to receive your money.

12. In order to do so, one needed to pay USD $100 for the conversion.

13. When questioned why could not they just deduct whatever cost incurred from the money recovered and remit the balance.

14. He explained that he was from a company called infinityplus which is responsible to contact all the victims of the Binary Option.

15 infinityplus has nothing to do with that platform, they only charged 5% on the amount recovered.

16. Thus, the USD $100 was more like an administration fee.

17. Infinityplus has nothing to with the collection of the conversion fees.

What do we need to do upon hearing all these?

it seemed strange that a company which owned the website did the recovery without prior checking with you.

And they were so nice that they went all the ways to recover the money and now wanted to give you the money back.

I always believe in one saying -- there is no such thing as a free lunch. And another saying - too good to be true.

My suspicious was arisen because there were so many gaps from the conversation and unanswered questions which I posted to the caller.


My findings from internet search about the two websites, i.e. altcrypt and infinityplus showed the followings:




judging from the comments in the two websites above, it is obvious that this is another scam the scammers started.

It seems that now they may want to have a third bite of the cherry after the Binary Option scam, the Recovery scam and now the Recovered Scam.

Leave a comment

Lastly if you have any comments and feedback, do put in your comments and feedback in the comment section below.

Cryptocurrency, most of you are familiar with this term especially those who were born in the 80s onward.

What is Cryptocurrency?

According to and I quote:



What Is Cryptocurrency?

A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that is secured by cryptography, which makes it nearly impossible to counterfeit or double-spend.

Many cryptocurrencies are decentralized networks based on block chain technology—a distributed ledger enforced by a disparate network of computers.

A defining feature of cryptocurrencies is that

  • they are generally not issued by any central authority,
  • rendering them theoretically immune to government interference or manipulation."


There are so many exchange platforms offering trading of cryptocurrencies.

Hence for someone who just start to get into the game, which platform do you want to use?

Today I am going to talk about one such platform which I had an experience to encounter in the last few weeks.

The name of the platform is :

1.Laptop access -

2. Mobile access -

For the mobile version, I tried using my mobile to access, however, I failed to do so, reason being my anti virus in the phone killed the access .

My anti virus software gave me the notice - THE SITE YOU WANTED TO ACCESS MAY HARM YOUR PHONE AND IT WAS BLOCKED.

What about the web version of the platform?

Some one strongly encouraged me to sign up for this cryptocurrency exchange platform.

The person even volunteered to teach me and guide me in trading cryptocurrency using platform.

She claimed it was the way forward to make few hundred dollars per night depending on how many trades one take.

So after I told her that I could not use the mobile version, she gave me the web based version.

To enable me to access the website, I needed to disable a bit of my anti virus so that I could have a peek at the website.

When the website was on screen, it looked very plain and did not give an impression it was a trading platform, albeit a cryptocurrency one.

This is how the dashboard look like

Now have a look at the wording of ABOUT US

This is extracted from the website:


RealBTC was established in March 2019 and is headquartered in Singapore.

We have established global operation centers in Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, the United States, and Switzerland. The core team comes from world-renowned financial companies and Internet technology companies.

It has obtained investment from well-known block chain funds such as JRR capital, NEO, and ONT.

The company also obtained multinational digital currency operating licenses such as MSB in the United States and VQF in Switzerland.

It is currently operating in compliance worldwide.

RealBTC will build a new generation of crypto-asset derivatives exchange, and is committed to providing a trading platform for crypto-assets with continuous transactions and data-free data, making cryptocurrency trading simpler, stable, and credible!

Our vision is to become the world's first fully functional, efficient, non-custodial trading platform, providing the highest transparency in any case.

RealBTC hopes to become the first real and democratic trading platform.

We are ready to gradually fix the functions on the platform to the block chain.

In 2021 let the platform have the ability to automate contract structure, trading and clearing."

Some Comments about the website

The website does not provide information who are the founders and people involved in running the exchange.

I had a hard time in finding where to register. The icons were actually right at the bottom of the site and need to enlarge to see the icons.

Conditions not filled still can register

In the website when one goes through the registration, there are some pages required certain information, and it was indicated the information was compulsory.

However, I noticed when I did not provide the information and clicked through to go to the next step, I was able to do so.

What does this tell you about the platform?

Do we as an investor still want to go ahead to put in Capital to this platform and do the trading?

Funding of the account

When I contacted the customer service and asked him how I could fund the account.

The Customer Service gave me a bank account number but it was under the name of an individual and not the platform name.

I asked the customer service why was it in the individual name and not in the name of the platform?

The customer service claimed they were just the custodian of the cryptocurrency and not responsible for the transaction between the seller and the buyer.

Cancellation of Account.

There is no cancellation of the account available.

I decided to get in touch with the customer service to find out.

The customer service told me  as long as I did not login to the platform for 180 days, the account would be canceled.

However if you insisted to cancel it immediately, the customer service said I needed to deposit USD $4,000 and after they have verified the capital and withdraw the money, then the account is deemed canceled.

Does it sound suspicious here?

I definitely think so, I strongly believe once I deposited the USD $ 4,000. The money would be gone for good.

After going through all these from opening account and the constant pressure from the person who recommended this site to me.

What made my doubt about this site was the eagerness and impatient of the person to get me to do the funding,

What are the main signals indicating this is a scam?

  • The person who introduced me to the platform doing the trading at night,
  • But she kept telling that afternoon had one big price movement,
  • therefore must do the funding fast in order to cash in on the trade opportunity.

I checked with one of my source in US who was the cryptocurrency analyst, and I sent the link of the website to them for verification.

The results came back within minutes .

The analyst informed me someone had actually lost USD $100,000 in this platform and not able to get the money back.

Some other findings.

The platform did not even have the following:

Never make payments to any external wallet addresses or account details provided by anyone (trader, manager, staff, etc).

Our Staff will NEVER ask you to send money to any wallet address, email, Western Union, Skrill or Bank account DIFFERENT from those provided on our website.

Customers who do so, do so at their own risk.

Always write to our support/email to confirm any of such claims."


If you really want to trade in cryptocurrency, it is better we do our own due diligence and find out which platform can be used.

it is better we make sure the platform is properly regulated by relevant authorities.

If you have any comments and feedback, do feel free to put your comments and feedback in the comments section below.  I will be happy to answer your comments.

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It lightens your burdens, brings hope and keeps you grounded, focused and alert.

Laughter triggers the release of endorphins in the body which makes you feel good. Humour helps you keep an optimistic attitude even through disappointments, loss and grief. More importantly it gives us the courage and strength to find new meaning and hope for the future.

Even in the most difficult times, a laugh or even a smile will lift your mood. Laughter helps you be more spontaneous, and it lets you forget judgements, criticism and doubt. Your inhibitions are also reduced when you laugh giving you the chance to connect with the real you.

You’ve probably heard the saying ‘laughter is the best medicine’.

Laughter really does help to heal your body and mind. The flow of lymph fluid is increased by the simple convulsions that occur when we laugh. This boosts immune system functionality and cleans out old dead and waste products from your organs.

As you laugh you take in big gasps of air causing the oxygen levels in your blood to rise. This ensures all the organs in your body receive rich, oxygenated blood to repair tissue and provide healing.

Studies have shown that cancer cells are destroyed in the presence of oxygen, as are certain parasites and bacteria.

Increasing the levels of oxygen in the body can help with both the healing and prevention of various diseases

Laughing boosts circulation due to the very fact that as you laugh, you are exercising your abdominal muscles, the muscles in your face and enhancing flexibility throughout the body. The harder you laugh, the greater this effect.

The skin is the biggest organ in your body and in times of stress our faces can look drawn and tired. Increasing the flow of oxygen to our skin will improve the colour, reduce wrinkles and improve the overall texture.

Add to this the sparkle your eyes will have as you add joy to your life, and you will look and feel more attractive.

Serotonin is essential for balancing brain chemistry. It aids in fighting depression, compulsive and obsessive thinking and reduces the harmful effects of stress on the body.

Serotonin is a naturally occurring chemical in the brain, however, in times of stress and grief the body’s ability to produce it can be severely reduced. Sunshine and laughter can aid the body in producing this chemical naturally thereby improving your mood and overall mindset.

Health Benefits of Laughter

  • Boosts Immunity
  • Lowers Stress Hormones
  • Decreases Pain
  • Relaxes Muscles
  • Prevents Heart Disease
  • Eases Anxiety and Fear
  • Relieves Stress
  • Enhances Resilience
  • Attracts People to Us
  • Helps Diffuse Conflict
  • Enhances Teamwork

Due to the significant difference healthy brain chemistry can make to your life, adding laughter on a daily basis makes a lot of sense.

You can build laughter and joy into your everyday life in the same way you would add exercise.

Easy ways to add joy include the following:

  • Watch a funny movie or television show
  • Share a good joke or funny story
  • Host a game night with friends
  • Play with a pet
  • Do something silly
  • Play with children
  • Seek out funny people
  • Do a fun activity (bowling, mine-golf, karaoke)
  • Go to a ‘laughter yoga’ class
  • Check out your bookstore humour section

When we are struggling with major adjustments we can take life much too seriously. Lighten your mood by adding some fun into your day. Choose to find the funny side of a situation.

Share your embarrassing moments and don’t take yourself so seriously

Look for the humour, the irony and absurdity of life in a bad situation

Keep a toy on your desk, a photo of you having fun or a funny poster in your office Pay attention to children and emulate them

The ability to laugh, have fun and play with others not only makes life more enjoyable but it also makes you more creative helping you solve problems and connect with other people in your life. Life brings challenges which can either ‘get the best of you’ or which you can use to become ‘the best you can be’. When you become the problem and take yourself too seriously, it can be hard to think outside the box and find new solutions. When children are confused or afraid they make their problems into a game and thereby have the ability to step back and find creative solutions. We can learn a lot from the way children view life.

If you think this article is helpful to you , please give your comments and feedback  below, and I would be more  than happy to reply.

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This is an article by Ms Allanah Hunt who has been a good source of inspiration and have good wisdom which i feel need to share with you all.

Share wisdom of Allanah Hunt


Keywords, the word every internet entrepreneur has to get used to, is the magic word to help to attract internet traffic to the websites.

Everyone who wants to be successful in internet business, be it those who are old timers or beginners.

And keywords will still be the go to catch word if one wants to be successful in online business.

Then, the question arises, how do we go about finding keywords?

There are a lot of keywords research tools and website in the internet, and I am not going to go into details of those websites or tools such as Jaaxy, keywords, and so on.


There are quite a fair bits of reviews being done on Jaaxy, hence I am not going to do another review for Jaaxy.

What this article is focusing on is

  • what do we do after we use Jaaxy to find our keywords and
  • how do we write an article using the keywords we have researched.

There are a few steps we need to take in order to use the keywords to write an article.

1. Search for the keywords of the niche you are going to be promoting.

Usually people will use the keywords research tools to search for the popular keywords phrase.

A good search engine will have some features to indicate which are most popular and most searched keywords phrase.

2. Compile a list of keywords and keywords phrase

Before you write an article, it is advisable to use the keywords tool to compile a list of keywords.

In Jaaxy, you can easily compile and prepare a list of the keywords.

3. With the list, we can decide and determine how to go about creating the article we want.

Normally, in writing an article, we will usually ensure there are certain amounts of keywords use in the article,  so that the search engine can pick up and drive traffic to the website.

4. Work out a frame work of the article base on the keywords prepared.

Once we have determined which keywords we are going to use, then we can start preparing the framework of the article, and see how we can effectively use the keywords and write a good article.

5. Putting the final work into completion.

Having decided on the framework, we can now start writing the articles.

Benefits of having keywords searched.

  1. Since we have the keywords readily available, we will discover it is easier to write the article and the flow of thought is free flowing.
  2. If we find it typing out the article is a tedious effort, perhaps we may want to use video or visual, and record a video and put in the website.

Nowadays, people tend to watch and listen instead of reading article, so using TIK TOK, YOUTUBE and any video recording may be a good idea to convey your message.

And using the keywords researched, we can prepare a good article.

IF you have any comments and feedback, please feel free to leave your input in the comments section below.

I will be glad to share and exchange ideas with you.

Key Words Search?

 I wish to share a good article by Ms Allanah Hunt on how to improve Empathy.

Hopefully those who have the opportunity to read this will gain some useful knowledge on improving their empathy.

Empathy is a very important skill. It helps us develop deep levels of rapport and trust, both of which are vital for the success of our relationships as well as our interactions in the workplace. Having poor empathy skills can lead to unnecessary conflict born out of misunderstandings.

In business, the key component to our success is understanding the needs of our clients, patients, customers or staff. If we don’t focus on ‘putting ourselves in their shoes’, we will make catastrophic mistakes which can lead to failure.

The dictionary describes empathy as “the ability to understand and share the feelings of another”.

Understanding the importance of empathy and employing those skills are two different things. It is only when we act with true empathy that we can create connections that are long-lasting and real.

There are some instances where acting with empathy can feel overwhelming. It is important to learn how to balance our empathy for others with the need to take care of ourselves or we will burn out completely.

So what can we do to build empathy skills and improve our relationships with those around us?

Pay Close Attention

This might seem like a no-brainer but in truth, we are often so distracted by our mobile devices, what is showing on the television or our need to tell our own story, that we don’t really notice what someone is telling us. Just because you hear the words someone is saying, doesn’t mean you’ve heard them. Improving your listening skills will help you pay more attention to others and allow you to pick up on the emotions behind the words.

A great way to raise your ability to pay attention is to watch television with the sound off. In this way you can watch the interplay of emotions between the various characters and learn to pick up cues which will help you follow the story.

Distance Yourself From Stereotypes And Find Commonalities

We all have preconceived ideas about others based on the media, our peers and our own observations. But when it comes to individual interactions, we must put those aside and find a way to connect with others.

The best way to build a connection is to meet people where they are. Everyone has a story and if you take the time to listen, you might be surprised at what you discover. Sometimes the people we understand the least have the most to teach us.

Agree to Disagree

There may be occasions when you don’t agree with someone else’s view of a specific situation but where you can nonetheless recognize that empathy is required. This is particularly important when somebody is having a strong emotion and asking you to do something you can’t do.

Sometimes all that’s required is to listen and convey what is called cognitive empathy. It is possible to be authentically empathetic to show you understand what they are experiencing without having to agree.

Learn How To Respond

It can be very difficult to know what to say in response to someone, and to determine when to keep quiet and when to speak. Learning how to respond takes practice but a good rule of thumb is to simply acknowledge their feelings without giving advice. This is a hard one but the art of empathy is largely about ensuring that someone feels heard.

Practice saying statements such as, ‘I’m sorry this happened to you’. Say it several times to yourself in the mirror so that you can see the expression on your face when you speak. Watch empathetic leaders to listen to the tone of voice they use as well as their facial expressions.

In order to truly connect with others, we must allow ourselves to be vulnerable and potentially show emotion in response to theirs. It is not enough to put on a face or modulate your tone of voice. Empathy is conveyed through feeling rather than the words we use.

Strengthen Your Connection With Yourself

It is impossible to show empathy to others if you don’t have a strong connection with yourself first. As you show empathy to yourself, you will develop the ability to truly connect with other people’s emotions in a way that adds kindness, compassion and understanding to their situation.

Think about times when you have faced a difficult situation and what you might have needed at that time. Did your friends and family show empathy? What did that look like? What made you feel supported or unsupported? If you felt unsupported, what empathy did you show to yourself that helped you overcome your own difficulties? As you explore this, you will begin to put together a clear picture of how empathy can help others.

Empathy is a multi-faceted skill that will require practice and the ability to be flexible. Not everyone will want the same response from you so it’s important to be able to recognize subtle nuances in someone’s posture, facial expressions and tone of voice. And it’s just as important to become aware of the time when even though someone seems to be emotional, they may not wish to interact with you.

Please reply back and let me know how this article was helpful to you <3

Wishing you an amazing day 😉

Allanah Hunt

Would You Like to Know Exactly What to Eat to Lose Fat and Get Healthy Without Giving Up Your Favorite Foods or Starving Yourself?

Custom Keto Diet

This is the common question people ask when they want lose weight, especially nowadays with this COVID-19 pandemic creating havoc in everyone’s life, and forcing people to stay at home and work from home.

By staying at home, one tends to put on weight, all the more so when you are not able to go out to do your usual workout or just take a casual walk in the park.

If you're serious about achieving permanent fat loss, and a complete health transformation while eating your favorite foods every meal…then perhaps you may want to try out this diet plan

It was reported that modern science especially those in diet and food science claimed that there is a diet which can strip off body fat while still allowing you to eat good food which usually will let you put on weight.

People usually have the opinion that they can not lose weight because they are genetically “doomed”, however, please do not be despair, no matter how frustrated you are after trying so many diet plans, you can still have the body shape you are looking for.

You see, getting into fantastic shape isn't nearly as cruel as nutrition and fitness “gurus” want you to believe.

Do you know the four most common diet mistakes that most people made in their efforts to have their dream body shap?

Mistake #1

Not being in a calorie deficit

I read somewhere the following:

“According to some “experts,” losing weight and keeping it off is all about controlling the types of food you eat.

They say particular foods are "fattening" because they pause fat burning and cause a hormonal environment that leads to weight gain... while other foods "balance" the system and stimulate fat loss.” Unquote

This is quite true, however this does not really give you the real picture of what actually is.

If you really want to have an effect weight loss and happy to see the scale number is thumbling down, you must make sure you have a diet of deficit in calorie.

A simple theory is, the more calorie you take in, and less calorie burnt, then you will definitely see the increase in the weighing scale pointer, likewise if you burn more calorie than you consume, the scale will come down.

According to one professor of human nutrition at Kansas State University, Professor Mark Haub, in his case study, he proved the above theory of more calorie burnt with less calorie intake

“He carried excess pounds and, knowing the importance of calorie balance, decided to do an experiment. For two months, he only ate foods like Twinkies, Oreos, Dorito, and protein shakes while maintaining a daily energy deficit of 800 calories.

The result? In just two months, he lost 27 pounds and reduced his body fat from 33.4% to 24.9%.”

If you want to lose fat, you must be in a calorie deficit.

Mistake #2

Severe calorie restriction that gives you the metabolism of a 90-year-old lady

Severe calorie deficits screw up your physiology. That's why almost all low-calorie dieters regain the lost pounds when they stop the program... plus, most often gain some more on top of that.

That is what is common knowns as “rebound”

Our body works in such a way that it can adjust itself if you are starving yourself, it will slow down the metabolism in order to prevent you from losing more weight

As a result, your body’s metabolism will plummet to prevent you from losing weight. This means that as soon as you come off your diet, your body will store as much food as possible as fat to prepare itself for the next starvation.

That’s why it’s essential to eat according to a calorie target fine-tuned for your body, your situation, and your goals.

Mistake #3

Thinking all calories are created equal

Most people want to lose weight in order to have a healthy body and also try to look better in appearance and as a result of it, give people an impression of a confident person.

Custom Keto Diet

So if your main objective is to have a healthy body and good feature, you should aim to have fat loss instead of weight loss because fat loss is actually better as you may lose weight but still carry a lot of fat which is not healthy at all.

In term of fat loss, it is important that we look at our intake of protein, carbohydrate and fat nutrients in the food we are taking. This is to make sure our body set up the food intake in response to the meals we are taking.

It is important to know that if we take in too much carbohydrate, this will defeat our effort to maintain a calorie deficit diet as carbohydrate actually increase the insulin, a hormone that stall the fat loss in one or two ways.

  1. Elevated insulin levels block the release of fat from your fat cells. And if your cells can't release fat, your body can never burn off the excess.
  2. Elevated insulin levels cause the storage of energy found in your bloodstream to morph into body fat cells. This means the energy won’t get burned off by tissues like muscle but instead snakes its way around to places like your hips and abs.

That’s why researchers call insulin the "fat storage hormone," and that’s why carb-rich diets make it nearly impossible to lose fat.

Mistake #4

Following an unrealistic, overly restrictive diet

Whenever one embark on a diet program, initially they will have the will power to follow the restrictive diets plan, until the day their  willpower run out and decide to give up on the diet plan.

It could be because of the desired result is not apparent, or the willpower is low now

If one does not have the determination to see to the end of the strict diet program and along the way, may make some more restrictive plan or listen to some one who claimed his or her method is more effective, however after a few weeks, the results do not seem to be very satisfactory, one may decide to call it a day and go back to indulging in good food and say -why suffer, just enjoy good food!!!

A Keto Meal Plan Customized to Your Body, Situation, Goals, and Taste Buds

What is a Keto Diet Plan?

( the following are quoted from the promoter of this KETO Plan)

A keto diet is an eating style where you consume almost no carbs, moderate amounts of protein, and high amounts of dietary fat. So, you’ll be eating tasty high-fat meals like ribeye steak with roasted garlic and butter.

“Why would you do that?” you may wonder. Well, a very low carb intake puts you into a state called “ketosis.” You see, under regular circumstances, your body relies for the most part on glucose (the stored form of carb).

When you minimize your carb intake, however, there's not enough glucose available for your body to fuel all its functions. And because some tissues like your brain cannot use fat for fuel, your body needs an alternative energy source to stay alive.

That’s where ketones come in. Ketones are chemicals produced in your liver when glucose is scarce. Various tissues like your brain can use these ketones for fuel when glucose is absent.[28] That's an excellent outcome because, otherwise, you would die.

Now, when your body uses primarily ketones and fatty acids for fuel, you're in a state called “ketosis.” That’s invaluable because...

Ketosis Gives You an “Unfair” Advantage on Your Fat Loss Goals

Reason #1

Significantly increases fat burning

Reason #2

It’s simple and easy to follow

Reason #3

Hunger cravings will fade

Reason #4

You don’t have to exercise to reap the benefits

Reason #5

It’s healthy and safe

Reason #6

You’ll lose weight like clockwork

If you want to learn more about this KETO Plan, Click HERE

...continue reading "‘Custom Keto Diet’"

What Is Investment?

Investment, a word which make a lot of people think, this is how to have more money, and is the way to have more money and gain some income.

When Did Scammers Strike?

However, a lot of people have not been successful in their investment, especially during depressing environment, be it business, economic, health whatever.

Consequently a lot of people, in their desperation, try all sorts of investment methods, and ways just try to make money or recoup whatever is lost.

And this is the time, crooks and scammers thrive on human greed, and take full advantage of the vulnerability of human, as a result of which, this further make the investors lost more instead of recouping their losses.

According to Federal Trade Commission in its report stated that in 2020, they received more than 2.2 million reports about fraud, and about $3.3 billion was lost, you can read more about this in here.

Why People Fell To Scammers?

The problem is a lot of people think it will not happen to us, just like a lot of people think, they will not be infected with COVID-19 virus, even though they do not take the basic precaution, like wearing masks or wash hands often. If we have this assumption, and lay down our guard, or get greedy with some money making opportunity, we may regret our action later.

The crooks and scammers are much more sophisticated, with their intelligence, just wonder why don't they put their skills to good use, maybe they find it easier to scam, and con people, so they can make a lot of money.

So what are the usual or the latest tricks these scammers employed?

1. Too good to be true investment platform

A lot of times, some platforms claim they can generate return on investment way above the norm.

Some investors tend to believe this lucrative returns, and decide to invest, only to find out later it is just another Ponzi Scheme in operation.

Most of the time, investors do not bother to carry out some due diligence and find out more about the platform before investing.

2. You are approached to invest in certain investment plan.

When someone approach you and tell you, that he has a fantastic investment scheme, whereby, if you invest, you are able to make a lot of money, this is actually a red flag for you.

You should raise doubt about this too good to be true investment plan, sadly, a lot of people decide not to take more action to find out more about the scheme.

3. Use of the latest technology

Scammer usually have the following in their website:

  • Videos about their products or investment plan.
  • Testimonies in video presentation from supposedly successful investors who reap huge and handsome returns.

Upon seeing the videos, some people tend to believe the investment plan is genuine.

They will think this investment product can be trusted, unaware the crooks have created the videos just to impress people.

If one bother to check and do more research, they will find out similar videos have been shown in other investment plan too.

4, The Truth Secret of the Successful Investment Plan

If a marketer wants you to invest in the product he is promoting, and claimed that his method and technology is more advance and easier to make profit,.

What will you do?
  • Do you believe in him and jump in and give him money to invest for you?
  • Did you ask him what his secret is?
  • How is his method successful?
  • Whether he can show some proof to substantiate his claim?

If he refuses to show you some concrete evidence, that by using his method or technology, you can reap handsome profit in investment, you need to raise red flag, and be alarm of possible fraud and scam

5. The Most Vulnerable Group

Which is the most vulnerable group for investment fraud?

The group which is more prone to financial fraud, is the retiree group with huge sum of money, as they tend to make payment for one lump sum distribution.

We need to educate those retirees:

  • Not to hand over their money to someone,
  • Wary of some one who claim can help them to grow their money.

Fraudsters are good at evoking emotion, especially among the older retirees, to hand over their money in dubious decision-making.

6. Is there a thing called Secret Formula in investment?

if someone approach you to invest with him, claiming he has invented a secret formula in investment, and sure make money.

Before you jump into the opportunity, do the following:

  • Do ask him to show some hard evidence his secret formula has generated huge profit for him.
  • Ask him to show his trading records,
  • bank accounts statement showing he has made so much money
  • using his so called secret formula.

If he fails to do so, or is not willing to do so.

This is the sign  you should just walk away from him.

7. Awareness of possible fraud.

The moment we accept the fact that we all are at risk to fraud, be financial, or otherwise, then we can safely say, we are at least at a certain level of awareness.

Who are the vulnerable group?
  • People who believe they are not vulnerable to frauds, and
  • these are the people who most likely fall into the trap,
  • After all they are not going to take necessary steps to protect themselves,
  • they are not aware and alert of fraud.

8. When Do Fraud Happen?

Fraud cases happen now and then.

It is more severe and rampant during crisis or disasters.

For example, the current COVID-19 Pandemic which has affected people from all walks of life, with people losing jobs,  businesses badly affected and forced to close.

When do fraudsters strike?
  • When people in general are eager to generate income,
  • In order to ease the financial strain.

9. Have some knowledge especially financial knowledge to be aware of fraud

Nothing beat having the knowledge, and able to identify possible fraud.

As mentioned by one expert, she said “Prior knowledge about fraud, even generally, is particularly helpful in avoiding victimization,” .

You can learn more about what she said in HERE. 

If you want to learn more about detection of investment fraud, click HERE

If you have any comments and feedback, do give your opinion in the comments below.

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